Wednesday, 23 March 2011


 Limited Taste is a self described AWOMB (After Work One Man Band), an artist on a mission. That being to put all the sounds that linger in his, and no doubt all our minds, out there, into the ether, for the greater good. The whole process should take no more than two years by which time quite an impressive canon of work will have been built up.

Here’s some of what he had to say on the project. Below you can also listen to ‘Hari Seldon’s First Appearance’, a recent addition that, with it's authoritative and instantly recognisable speaker, is a bit of a favourite of mine.

“Limited Taste is me and my laptop broadcasting to the world in the evening and early hours of the night from Amsterdam, Netherlands.In my head (and in a raw form on my hard drive) I have about 1 hour of original music which I think is entertaining enough to ask people to listen to it. 

The plan is to release 1 track each month. Publishing the in between results on Soundcloud and getting some feedback from the crowd makes it fun to do and 'forces' me to finish things. If I can keep it at this tempo the whole project can be finished in about 2 years. I now have 3 sets of songs out on Soundcloud.
There is more come. But it's a rather slow process. I hope for some real patient people to follow me on Soundcloud for a while. I could use some more comments telling me what listeners like about the it and what sounds wrong to their ears.

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