If you’re ever in need of cheering up, perhaps you’ve got
withdrawal symptoms from the baking summer (autumn?) that we had, then throw on a
bit of Bordeauxxx. These guys and girl are a exuberant little four – piece from
round the way.
You’ll love their fresh indie style, and vocal quirks.
You’ll also love their
taste in music. I asked them what the last albums they purchased were:
Nat (guitar):
Jonny Kearney &Lucy Farrell after I saw them, and I let them know in no uncertain
terms how much I didn't mind spending my £6 on it.
Martin(lead vocals and keyboard):
The new Girls record on the day it came out and Stagecoach We Got Tazers.
Janelle Monae and the new Girls album.
Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony and Peter and the Wolf.
Laura Marling's new album, but it was for my dad's
birthday ‘cause I'm generous like that.
No idea why they are called Bordeauxxx, but, thankfully, when
asked about their favourite wines they had plenty to say for themselves.
My favourite wine has the heady aroma of being given to me for free at some
public event that underestimates my shamelessness in repeatedly going back for
Free event wine is both the best and worst kind of wine. If people are giving
out wine it probably means they're more important than you so you should
probably show some self control so as not to make a fool of yourself. But, it's
free. Catch 22 or what? I like red wine most, then rosé, then white. I'm not
particularly fussy as long as it's cheap, though I once had a brilliant rosé. I
can't remember what it was so I've never had it again.
My favourite wine is the “brilliant” rose that Martin mentioned and I was lucky
enough to have it on more than on occasion.
I'm not really that much of a wine drinker. Rose is the most pussy one right? I
think I like that the most.
Jon :
Given the choice, I'd go for a sharp red with sophisticated berry accents,
filtered for 2 weeks through Claudia Schiffer's cleavage into a bottle made of
the frozen tears of joy of all of my adoring fans. #rockstardreams
Bordeauxxx are currently touring – If they keep the booze in check
they could be ones to watch.
Here are some of their songs. Enjoy.