Friday, 28 January 2011

or maybe Dark Star...

Here’s a lovely live ditty created using synthesizer, arpeggiator, electric guitar, voice and a bit of processing. It’s a 25 minute drone track from White Rainbow (aka one man band Adam Forkner) which I have been listening very much recently.
The end product has a 1970’s sci fi film feel to it; images of space age travel come instantly to mind. But this is also another case of a one man band creating hella-big music. I like this track so much I’m cutting this post short to go and watch the Andromeda Strain.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

1st time effort

There probably is a bit too much going on here (dub sounds, guitar sounds, reggae even) but this track has grown on me primarily for the lovely guitar outro; Despite its flaws it's certainly not bad for a debut effort.

Snowfield - Dead Mill

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Hangover cure

Something light and acoustic for the weekend from Anthony D'Amato, American folksy singer with lyrics to make you ponder.

Anthony D'Amato - My Father's Son

 04 My Father's Son by anthonydamatomusic

Friday, 21 January 2011

reasons why I hate Michael Gove

He looks like a girl.

      His whole notion of what it means to educate our young people is based on an antiquated notion of knowing as many facts as possible on past battles of history; as if knowing having the ability to memorise Plantagenet’s is all you need in today’s“globalised economy”.

     He talks at you rather than to you.

      His abolition of the EMA, a cost effective benefit to help ease the financial burdens of attending college, at an age where students are expected to contribute to a household income, is a smart move if social mobility is something you don’t care about, and your aim is to make it an uneven playing field in favour of the better off in society.

      He’s looks like he would be the head boy at the worst kind of school...

 He speaks passionately and you can tell when you hear him that reforming our education system is something that he cares passionately about. His forthrightness almost belongs to a bygone era when men were men and politicians were noble. Parliament could do with more of his sort. Shame then that his principles are utterly wrong.  

      He decided that 16 year olds didn’t have enough criteria to fill, so they needed yet another qualification, the English Baccalaureate. A qualification that is instantly set against poorer students who are more likely to take up vocational subjects;  thereby insuring that another generation of young people who may not feel inferior at the moment will do by the time he is finished with them.

           He thinks he’s better than you.

      His brand of paternalist conservatism which calls itself  deigns progressive is the worst kind of conservatism; difficult to attack as it appears rational, yet robustly right wing, as we are all finding out at the moment. 

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

go to sleep in Paris, wake up in Tokyo

Organic sounds which remind one of urban sprawl. Taken from the Far East:

Saburo - Tokyo

 Tokyo by Saburo

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Change is coming

I trust you all had a good New Years. Mine was excellent thanks in large part to Jamie XX. there will be changes but if you like the music that I like then please do keep reading the blog. If you like ramblings on politics then, again, please do stick around because things are about to get interesting.